Are you terrible at your job? Do you wish you were more terrible? Then this is the event for you! Join celebrity executive assistant Sona Movsesian at the San Diego Central Library for the World’s Worst Job Fair. Sona will share job tips and insights from her book The World’s Worst Assistant, and two unqualified but lucky job applicants*† will interview on-stage with Sona to win prizes. An audience Q&A and book signing will follow the author’s presentation. This event is free & open to the public. Reserved seating and signing line priority will be given to those who purchase a copy of the book from the Library Shop SD.
To submit your application by purchasing a book click here.
*This Event will not help you find employment, make you more employable, or leave you with additional job skills. Quite the opposite, most likely.
†In order to apply for the job interview, you must purchase a copy of The World’s Worst Assistant from the Library Shop.

The World’s Worst Job Fair Hosted by Celebrity Executive Assistant Sona Movsesian
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