Linda and Bill Kolb are long-time supporters of the Library Foundation. They both have backgrounds in biology and science, and they met as scientific researchers at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. Now retired after selling their biotech business, they enjoy traveling together, including going on African safaris.

“We love the library because almost anything we want to read, hear, or watch can be found there.”
The Kolbs are frequent users of their Carmel Valley Branch Library, and Linda especially loves finding new mysteries to read. They also appreciate and attend the variety of arts and culture programs available throughout the San Diego Public Library system. They say, “We love the library because almost anything we want to read, hear, or watch can be found there.”
After many years of supporting their Library, in 2012 Linda and Bill decided to participate in the capital campaign for the Central Library @ Joan Λ Irwin Jacobs Common. Their support helped to turn the dream for the new Central Library into a reality. They have also made a planned gift in their living trust to support the Library Foundation and are active members of the Carnegie Society.
Please contact Director of Major & Planned Gifts Kymberly Mueller at (619) 238‑6641 or by email or Chief Strategy and Engagement Officer Natalie Ganz at (619) 238‑6643 or by email to learn how you can name the Library Foundation as a beneficiary of your trust, retirement plan, or life insurance.