“We joined because we must have a strong library system, and we knew the Foundation was working diligently to create the necessary support channels to assist the Library’s work”
Native San Diegans Cindy and George Olmstead share a love for our libraries.
As dedicated community volunteers, they believe an educated society is the foundation of a strong democracy. They also believe a strong library system is essential to achieving it.
Their love of libraries inspired them to preserve their support by becoming members of our Carnegie Society and creating a planned gift to guarantee that their support strengthens libraries for all San Diegans for generations to come.
“We joined because of our belief that we must have a strong library system, and we knew the Foundation was working diligently to create the necessary support channels to assist the Library’s work,” Cindy said of her and George’s Library Foundation support.
“We were not prepared to be absolutely wowed by the diversity of what was available in our libraries – computer centers, 3D printer centers, story hours, homework after school programs, career guidance, ancestry research, arts and culture events, book clubs, the list goes on and on. What a gift that our many branches are to our different communities.”
George and Cindy have supported the Library Foundation since 2010, making annual donations to support the organization’s mission.
Additionally, Cindy stepped up and served as a Library Foundation Board member and eventual Chair. But her journey with libraries began much earlier. “When I was a child of six or seven, one of my favorite pastimes was to ‘play Library’ with my sister. We made elaborate library cards that would allow us to check out our books. Taking turns as ‘the librarian,’ we were entertained for hours. Little did I realize that was setting the stage for years later when I would join the Board of the Library Foundation SD.”
Cindy’s favorite memory during her tenure as Board Chair was attending the opening of the Skyline Hills Library. School classes were lined up waiting to enter, the community was there, city officials and dignitaries including the Mayor were preparing to cut the ribbon. Suddenly, a young library goer ran up to Cindy, frantically asking “Where is the Mayor? Where is the Mayor? I have to talk to him. I did not get my new library card yet and I know he can help me. To want something so precious and to go to high authorities to get it, demonstrates the library’s power,” Cindy said.
One of the unique aspects of the Carnegie Society is that anyone can join by contributing whatever amount of money they feel they would like to leave to the library through a planned gift. This contribution symbolizes your belief in the vital importance of libraries for generations to come. “It is also reassuring to know that the Library Foundation SD is the perfect steward to see that the money goes where it is most needed,” they remark. Cindy and George’s five children and 11 grandchildren all know the importance of libraries. And, thanks to the Olmstead’s Carnegie Society membership, that legacy that honors the library’s importance in the community will live on in the Olmstead family and beyond.