
Freedom to Read Day of Action

Join us and the San Diego Public Library on Saturday, October 19th, from 10 to noon at the City Heights/​Weingart Library to celebrate the freedom to read. Participate in story time and youth activities, and hear why our city and civic leaders support the right to read!

On Saturday, October 19, the San Diego Public Library and Library Foundation SD will host a Freedom to Read Rally in conjunction with the American Library Association (ALA) and its Unite Against Book Bans campaign, the Association for Rural and Small Libraries, and the Brooklyn, Queens, and New York Public Libraries. This will be a nationwide day of action to unite against book bans and demonstrate our shared commitment to this fundamental freedom.

This historic day of action will elevate the voices of readers nationwide who believe in public and school libraries as safe havens of knowledge and community and that the freedom to access books and information from diverse viewpoints is an essential American value that must be protected. It also includes a social media campaign where supporters use #FreedomToRead to decry censorship and stand with public and school libraries. 

More information can be found online: unitea​gain​st​book​bans​.org/​d​a​y​o​f​a​ction.

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Libraries are essential public spaces that welcome everyone, offering access to knowledge, community, and personal growth. Regardless of one’s background, race, or identity, libraries are inclusive hubs where people can gather to learn and discover a love for reading. For over a century, libraries have represented American values such as freedom of thought, speech, and equal opportunity. By providing free access to diverse books, libraries help broaden perspectives and foster understanding among people from all walks of life.

Central to libraries’ mission is the fundamental American right to read. The freedom to access books and reliable information is vital to a functioning democracy, as informed citizens are the backbone of a healthy society. Reading is a gateway to knowledge and a means of personal empowerment. Everyone should have the right to choose what they read, which upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and personal agency.

However, there is a growing threat to this freedom. The rise in book bans across the country, particularly targeting LGBTQIA+ communities and people of color, is alarming. In 2023, the American Library Association reported a dramatic increase in censorship attempts, with nearly half of the challenged titles representing marginalized voices. These book bans restrict access to essential resources, stifling the diversity of thought and experience that books provide. Such actions, driven by a vocal minority, are a dangerous attack on free expression and are at odds with the foundational values of American society.

Now is the time for action. On Saturday, October 19, libraries nationwide will unite to oppose book bans and demonstrate that the freedom to read is a core American value. Citizens must actively participate in civic engagement to protect access to information and ensure diverse voices are heard. Voting, speaking to elected officials, and supporting libraries are crucial to preserving intellectual freedom. Get involved, get a library card, and stand up for your community’s right to read.