You can tell the Council why your library is important to you and your community in testimony offered either in-person, online, or by phone. Additionally, if you cannot attend or call in, you can submit written comments that will be included in the meeting records.

Visit here for a script you can use in your testimony.

Upcoming opportunities to testify on behalf of the library:

Friday, May 3, 2024 at 9 a.m.
Budget Review Committee hearing on the library budget

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 6 p.m.
San Diego City Council hearing on the city budget

Attend in-person
City Administration Building
12th floor Council Chambers
202 C” Street, San Diego, CA 92101

  • Complete a speaker slip located at the entrance to Council Chambers.
  • Indicate the item you wish to speak on and submit it to the Committee Consultant at the box indicated near the speaker’s lectern at the front of the room.
  • You will be called in the order the slips are submitted and will have one or two minutes (depending on the number of speakers) to make your comments.

Join via Zoom or phone in
Zoom link
Or, call in at 1669254 5252

  • When the Chair introduces the item you would like to comment on (or indicates it is time for Non-Agenda Public Comment), raise your hand by either tapping the Raise Your Hand” button on your computer, tablet, or Smartphone, or by dialing *9 on your phone.
  • You will be taken in the order in which you raised your hand.