Our mission
The Library Foundation strengthens communities by supporting excellence in the San Diego Public Library system through philanthropy, advocacy and outreach.
Our vision
The Library Foundation is a catalyst for creating stronger communities through investment in the San Diego Public Library system — where access to resources supporting literacy, work readiness, and lifelong learning ensure equal opportunities for success. We raise funds, build collaborations and honor our patrons and donors.

Our impact is seen in social justice, early childhood, education and lifelong learning, digital learning, economic and workforce development, and cultural and civic engagement.
Our values
Access: Maximizing opportunities for all to access information, literacy, learning, and technology.
Literacy: Literacy is essential: it empowers people to thrive.
Education: Promoting lifelong learning, personal discovery, and opportunities for all.
Community: Engaging in relationship building with the community as participants, advocates, and partners in philanthropy.
Accountability: Being responsible stewards of the public trust and the resources that are provided to us.
Innovation: Libraries are evolving, growing entities. We are leaders in creative, collaborative thinking and action.