By considering charitable gifts to the Library Foundation SD, you can make a lasting impact. Often, these gifts can provide you or your family with valuable tax savings and other benefits.
Giving Options

Planned gifts help ensure your library continues to provide free access to excellent collections, technology, and programs.
Gifts Through Wills or Living Trusts
Through your will or living trust, you can give the Library Foundation money, property, or a share of your estate’s value.
If you are working with your estate planning attorney to include a gift to the Library Foundation in your will or living trust, thank you! The following is sample wording you may use in your document:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Library Foundation SD, tax ID #33 – 0959608, ____% of my estate to be used for its highest and best use. These funds should be used to enhance rather than replace City funds budgeted for library purposes.”
This language can be modified to describe a gift of cash or other assets or to benefit a particular need. We can help you with that language if you want to direct your gift in a specific way. Please note that gifts for Library Foundation SD’s“highest and best use” provide the greatest flexibility for us to apply your gift toward top priorities at the time it is received.
IRA Rollovers (also known as Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs)
If you are at least 70 ½ years old you may be able to avoid income taxes on transfers of up to $105,000 from your IRA to the Library Foundation. Plus, these charitable transfers can count toward satisfying your required minimum distribution. Simply contact your IRA plan administrator to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA directly to the Library Foundation SD.
Please use the following information, and include your name and phone number with your gift.
Library Foundation SD
Federal tax ID number: 33 – 0959608
PO Box 120391
San Diego, CA 92112
Donors can also direct a one-time, $53,000 QCD to a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.
Please contact Chief Philanthropy and Engagement Officer Natalie Ganz to learn more.
Beneficiary Designations
To make a gift of your retirement plan or life insurance, please contact your provider, request a beneficiary designation form, and include the Library Foundation SD as the beneficiary of your plan or policy.
Retirement Plan: Name the Library Foundation SD as primary beneficiary of a percentage or all of your retirement plan or IRA.
Life Insurance: Designate the Library Foundation SD as beneficiary of all or a percentage of your policy.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A Charitable Gift Annuity allows you to support Library Foundation SD, and also receive secure, fixed income for life. Established through a simple agreement, a Charitable Gift Annuity can provide you valuable income, income tax savings, and capital gains tax benefits. Read more.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A Charitable Remainder Trust is a qualified trust that pays income to beneficiaries. After all income payments have been completed, the remainder is distributed to a qualified charity or charities. If you establish the trust, you may select the trust percentage or annuity amount, the person or people to receive the income from the trust, and the charity or charities that will receive the principal of the trust after all income payments are completed. The benefits of the trust include the potential to partially bypass capital gains tax, increase income, and receive a charitable income tax deduction.
- Benefits: You and/or others you select receive income, the potential to partially avoid capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets, receive a charitable income tax deduction for the charitable portion of the trust, and support LFSD.
- You transfer cash or other assets to fund a charitable remainder trust.
- In the case of a trust funded with appreciated assets, the trust will then sell the assets capital gains tax-free.
- The trust is invested to pay income to you or any other trust beneficiaries you select based on a life, lives, or a term of up to 20 years.
- Library Foundation SD benefits from what remains in the trust after all the trust payments have been made.
Gifts of securities and wire transfers
The Library Foundation SD welcomes donations of stocks and wire transfers. Visit here for details for completing these donations.
Please contact Director of Major & Planned Gifts Kymberly Mueller (619−238−6641 or by email) or Chief Philanthropy and Engagement Officer Natalie Ganz (619−238−6643 or by email) to learn more about planned gifts to the Library Foundation.
This information is not tax or legal advice. Prospective donors should seek the advice of qualified professional advisors when considering their options for charitable giving.
Carnegie Society
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Estate Planning Webinars
We’re here to answer your questions
For more information, please contact Director of Major and Planned Gifts Kymberly Mueller at (619−238−6641 or by email) or Chief Philanthropy and Engagement Officer Natalie Ganz (619−238−6643 or by email).
This information is not tax or legal advice. Please consult a qualified professional advisor when considering any planned gift.